Thursday, November 29, 2012

Sheep on an Airplane...

We are finally here!!!
After a total of 20 hours of travel (including the car ride to Ehren's parent's house) we have arrived at our new home away from home.  It's wierd to think that yesterday we were on the other side of the world.  The trip was better than expected but 14 hours on a plane can't be enjoyable under any circumstances (unless of course you are the woman next to us who drank 7 mini bottles of wine).  But in reality, I think Ehren always has it a little easier on these trips than I do.  He of course sleeps quite well on planes, while I, on the other hand do not (unless I have a row of seats to myself to stretch out on, which we all know does not happen too often).  We were lucky on this trip to have a row of 3 to ourselves, which meant much more space than normal.  But 2 Dramamine pills and 2 seats to myself later, I was still waking up every 20 minutes to the sight of Ehren passed out in the window seat next to me.  ANNOYING! Right?  This is always my struggle on these trips, do not get angry and bitter with the sound sleeper next to me because it can't be his fault I am lying awake tossing and turning. 
To be fair, I did get an unrestful 5 hours of sleep on the plane, but of course I was up at 3:30am Australia time (9:30am Boise time) with profound stomach cramps from hunger.  I thought if I ate a snack I might be able to slip back into sleep but after 30 minutes of counting sheep I accepted that my attemps were futile. 
On the up side, once I was awake there was plenty of entertainment.  We did have a TV screen on the seat in front of us that we could play our choice of movies, games, music, audiobooks etc.  The selection wasn't great but it was better than the normal in flight entertainment provided.  We flew Qantas and it was by far the most "comfortable" trip we have made. 
But now it is over and we are in sweltering humid 90 degree weather of Australian summer and I am so far loving it.  I took a cold shower already!  Hopefully, Ehren and I can spent some time learning to drive on the wrong side of the road in the next few weeks and get up to the beach a few times.
Well sorry for the airplane rant... Hope you all have a great few days.  Miss you and love you.
Love Lindsay (and Ehren)

P.S.  Rachael: I told you this blog would be overwhelmingly about sleeping on the plane.  I am so predictable...

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to your new home! Thanks for blogging. Love you!
